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Nicole Bordeleau, Yoga Teacher, Author, Founder of Yoga Monde
Ayurveda, the science of life, is one of the most important tools to bring body and mind in harmony. Bita is one of the finest therapists as she brings to each consultation and treatment, her passion and her devotion for this discipline.
France Lafleur
I feel a big gratitude and respect for Bita.
Her professionalism, sensible advice, recommendations, treatments, listening, joy of life, generosity, availability and positive energy allowed me to find the health and a peace of mind, I was looking for.
Since my menopause, I always felt exhausted, lacking energy, sleep disorders, anxiety and I was in a constant depressive state. I gained weight more and more. I suffered from chronic eczema on hands. Joint pains. I felt really uncomfortable in my own skin. My health deteriorated and I wondered in which physical and emotional state I would be for my pension (retirement), if I went there. I tried several alternatives to improved my health but I got lost with the information I obtained on the internet, in books, etc… and often it was contradictory. It was impossible to me to know what was good for me. I didn’t know what to do any more.
My path with Bita
During my first visit with Bita, I was impressed by the Ayurvedic medicine and the approach body mind connection. My life changed at this point: I became more aware of my food, and step by step, I understood which foods my body needed. I learned not to overload my body.
I gradually integrated the recommendations and changes in my lifestyle thanks to the advice of Bita. Every day I had the desire to continue and persevere. I felt better and better every day.
Afterward, I made a detoxification cure “ PanchaKarma” for the spring which was very beneficial for me. This completed my detoxification process.
I followed several Ayurvedic treatments among: Abhuanga, Garshana, Shirodhara and some workshops which were excellent for me.
In only 6 months, I was not any more the same person. I lost 20 pounds, my skin is radiant, my exzema declined, I’m not taken any more antidepressant, I am healthy-looking and I feel very well in my skin. THANK YOU BITA. THANKS TO YOU, I FEEL ALIVE AGAIN.
Martha Biwithi
For over ten years, vata imbalances had wrecked havoc in my life. Mama Bita worked on me, removed what was not me, and left the perfect me. Within three months of starting treatment, I had a smile back on my face; and within 6 months, I had my life back on track again.
I could write about how knowledgeable she is about her work or the types of treatment I received from her, but there is a side of Mama Bita that impressed me very much. She cared about my well-being and at the same time was very assertive about her recommendations. She followed up after every treatment and in her own words she would say, "e-mail me in two days time and tell me how you are feeling" or "give me an update on your progress every week". That unusual care, alone, made me feel me comfortable about the whole process and it minimized the anxiety level to a near zero during the treatment. She answered all my e-mails and gave me extra advice outside of appointment time. Very few health practitioners have this rare quality. I attribute my quick recovery partly due to the extra care I received from Mama Bita and that alone meant a lot to me. I will always cherish and use wisely the knowledge I acquired from her during the whole process. What was amazing about the whole process is that it took only six months for Mama Bita to bring me back to what I call my normal self after having suffered from debilitating vata imbalances for many years. This may sound too good to be true-but it is true.Thank you Mama Bita. Namaste Mama Bita,
Om! Shanti, love, light and peace
Helen Gagnon, Yoga Teacher, Integrative Yoga Therapist, Founder of Namaste Yoga Center
A year ago I started a wonderful journey exploring Ayurveda. Little by little I applied recommendations from Bita. I started to notice changes in my mind and body. This autumn my body was ready for detox as I had problems with the digestive system. I was and felt supported by Bita through this huge decision of mine. Going through my detox program I received treatments such as Abhyanga, Garshana and finally Shirodahra. I finished the detox program. My body and mind feel much better and the digestive system is now feeling wonderful. I still continue following the precious advice received from my specialist Ayurvedic Therapist. Since the detox, I lost 15 pounds; I haven't felt this great for a long time. I am applying every single day what I’ve learned from Ayurveda.
This wonderful approach is based on each individual with lots of care, compassion and respect. How wonderful when people tell you, you look so healthy!!! I hope and wish for all people to discover Ayurveda and feel the benefits.
Thank you Bita for your kindness, for your passion for good health, and to have made me realized what is good for myself.
Asia Kapera
I’m in my mid 30’s and was feeling emotionally drained and tired all the time. It was hard to work, socialize or do the simplest things. I’ve been suffering from digestive distress since I was a little girl. In the last couple of years I’ve been dealing with debilitating symptoms of fibromyalgia. Plus, we’ve been trying to conceive for several years without any luck.
When I visited Bita at her center - I was confused, in physical and emotional pain and I was ready to do whatever it took to get myself back on a happy healthy path. Bita was warm and caring; she clearly explained how Ayurveda can help me get back into balance with nature. She prepared a very detailed plan with some dietary, lifestyle and spiritual recommendations for my doshic constitution and repeated - all is well.
I diligently followed everything she said and I started to feel better after just a few days. After 2 months of very hard work, I felt like a fresh new person. I was glowing from the inside out, I was happy again! I still have a lot of healing and rejuvenation to do but I feel great. Being a highly sensitive person, it turns out that wheat and a highly stressful life where making me very sick. Since then, I’ve considerably cut down on coffee and sugar which has enabled me to sleep like a baby!
The strict lifestyle changes like going to bed before 11:00 pm and waking before 7:00 am were the hardest part, but also the most rewarding! You don’t have to live in pain. I’ve been recommending Bita and Ayurveda to everyone I cross paths with because nature always knows best. Bita truly cares. She’s a dear friend to whom I’m forever grateful for this beautiful journey.
Shadi Vakili
When I first started going to yoga with Bita, I could hardly walk. I was recovering from complications of many surgeries and chemotherapy due to cancer. Bita helped me regain my strength, flexibility and most importantly helped me control my panic attacks. I no longer felt stressed and my breathing improved immensely. If it wasn't for Bita and her yoga class, I don't think I would ever have recovered this fast or had this stress go away! I highly recommend Bita and her yoga classes to everyone! She truly is amazing at what she does!
Edith Drouin
For the past 2 years, I have the privilege to be with Bita, to have classes on stress reduction and also to participate in some workshops. Today, I take the time to express my respect and my deepest admiration....I thank life to have put you on my path at a time where I needed it the most...I was living some ordeals and my guidewires had fallen apart…..When I say Bita is wonderful - I also say yoga is wonderful. With your professionalism, your dedication, your generosity, you’re listening, your calmness, your humanity and your charisma you were able to transform this location for practice in a warm space where it feels good to be, where I want to be to take time for myself, to Center myself physically, emotionally and spiritually. Indeed, to learn to live in the present moment and to become a better person. In the Center, there is a soul!
"Ayurvedic yoga has changed the way I feel about myself and my body. With no previous experience in yoga, the last 6 months of practising at the Transformation Yoga Center has left me feeling emotionally and physically rejuvenated. My instructor Bita is an angel sent down from the heavens. Her experience, knowledge and way of being are truly exceptional. Ayurvedic yoga will forever be a part of my life no matter the circumstances or obstacles.
Nancy Tranchemontagne
I am a typical product of North American culture and practices. However, Transformation Yoga and Bita Bitajian came into my life at a time when I was questioning the Western Medical approach to meet my specific need. I have Multiple Sclerosis, arthritis, and unresolved emotional and spiritual issues concerning anxiety and grief.
I had practiced yoga in the past where the emphasis was on the student`s conformations to the poses, leading me to believe I could no longer continue practicing yoga. The Transformation Yoga Center with Bita Bitajian's Ayurvedic yoga approach has allowed me to return to this discipline in a way that adapts the poses to meet my particular constraints, sometimes using various props to insure safety and efficiency. Having new confidence, due to my success with Ayruvedic yoga and being proactive addressing my challenges encouraged me to participate in and experience in many of the other treatments, therapies, seminars and workshops offered by Bita at the center. These programs relate to finding a healthy balance of diet and lifestyle through various means such as meditation, food, detox cleansing, massage (Abhyanga), and calming therapies (Shirodhara).
Bita has helped me manage my MS and her attention to my conditions and meeting my needs is constant, supportive, and practiced with compassion. Ayruveda, as I understand it, encompasses the healing of the body, mind, and spirit and has given me new insight and access to the Holistic Ideal.
Francoise La Boissiere
I feel that I was given a gift when I meet Bita. Her approach of Yoga and Ayurveda is what I was looking for quite a time. I was guided to this sincere, devoted teacher who expresses compasion, confident in the life force that wells within each human being. I love the way she teaches yoga, she inspires me and know how to guide me within the qualities of the heart.
Thank you Bita!
Jeanette Follan
During the years I was a student of Bita's at Transformation Yoga, I learned many things:
What I learned about yoga is how to breathe... and what the breath has given me is everything.
What I learned about life is how to be a participant; to allow my entire being to experience this immediate moment... and that has given me magic!
What I learned about myself is many truths...and what those truths have given me is freedom.
And what I learned about Bita is that she is a unique teacher with a special gift to humbly and steadfastly create an environment where her students can feel safe to learn whatever is on their path.
Diana .K
“I have been practicing yoga with Bita for over 6 years now, and can vouch for the professionalism and "yogic" qualities. Bita has always been attentive and explanatory at all times and it has been a pleasure attending her classes. In addition, I have been consulting with Bita with regards to Ayurveda for a short while and can attest to her consulting with my needs in mind at all times. Namaste.
France Duhamel
I started the Ayurvedic routine about 1 1/2 year ago. At the beginning I found it very hard to change my old habits. It took seventeen months to change them. I then found a healthier life. A lot of my health problems disappeared for example my headaches and allergies. I have a better digestion and my skin looks healthier and smoother. Ayurveda combined with yoga, the pranayamas, the mudras, mantras and meditation, all helped me go through a rough time. I found an extraordinary “better living”, health of body and mind. I also increased my pulmonary capacity significantly, suffering before of asthma and pulmonary fibrosis. I would never go back to my old life habit. Thank you Bita.
Jean Louis Berger
I started my Ayurvedic changes without any preparation, and even though I found it a bit constraining at first, I was able to follow without too much difficulty. With Bita’s help and generosity my health improved; better breathing capacity, less anxiety and depressive state of mind. At the end, I'm more at peace and have a better acceptance of myself. Thanks again dear Bita.
Loraine Overall
"Bita's Ayurvedic advice, given with love and compassion, has been invaluable to my health. Her treatments and recommendations bring deep healing and revitalization. Thank You Bita!"
Virginia Melo
Don't know how to thank Bita enough! When I first came to her care, I was feeling sick, without energy, many digestive problems, migraines almost every week, and many other little things that made me uncomfortable in my own body.
Bita, with her kindness, showed me that to feel good I needed to change old habits, and it depended on me, my will power to change it. With a correct diagnosis, she led the way. Nine weeks later I can experience the changes and the amazing benefits Ayurveda is bringing to my life. I know it's only the beginning, after all, takes time to reprogram our habits. But well-being is priceless.
Thank you very much!